
卑南族民歌 Folk Songs of The Puyuma



■ 前言

2008 年上網標下第一唱片出版的『中國民俗音樂專輯第四輯:卑南族與雅美族民歌』(1979 年 8 月出版)、『中國民俗音樂專輯第九輯:台灣山胞的音樂:阿美族、卑南族』(1980 年 10 月出版)黑膠唱片,將內頁文字轉載如下,與樂友分享。

■ 卑南族

約東南亞巨石文化(megalithic culture)時期移入台灣,亦譯作『普由馬』、『畢瑪』、『驃馬』,居地在卑南溪以南,知本溪以北,恆春半島南端海岸地帶,有『八社番』之稱,以農耕為主,全族人口約九千餘人,行世襲母系社會制度,受四周異族侵犯,習俗、文明及音樂上有混融現象。


■ 卑南族的民歌



(1) 風格上沒有布農或曹族的強悍,排灣族的豪放,也沒有阿美族的樂天,但卻吸收了各族的悠遠,和平風味。

(2) 卑南族民歌中也還留著較原始的朗誦曲調,但多數已相當歌曲化了。

(3) 卑南族民歌沒有獵頭戰爭之歌,基本上他們是和平的小族。

(4) 音組織多為五聲音階,可能與阿美族同一文化系統。

(5) 除豐年祭之外,有巫女及成年儀式(祭猿)之祭祠歌。

(6) 只有單音唱法。



卑南族的歌謠是抒情的,具有可歌性的感覺,音階採用無半音的五聲音階,與阿美族同屬於一個音樂文化圈。卑南族與阿美族都比其他族有更多巫女,所以有關巫女的歌也多。節奏同樣屬於自由節奏,如果有規律,也都是雙數節奏(如 4/4),幾乎沒有單數節奏(如 3/4)。此外卑南族的成年儀式叫猿祭(mangayangayao),是一項重要的儀式。


■ The Puyuma And Their Folk Songs

The Puyuma tribesmen, with a population of about 9,000, are scattered in an area surrounding Taitung City. They are plain dwellers, much influenced by early contacts with Chinese. Their tribal area is bordered by the Lukai, the Paiwan, and the Ami, with an outlet to the Pacific. Their culture has much in common with that of the Ami : matriarchal, social classes constructed by age-strata, much use of communal halls, farming and fishing, etc.

The traits of Puyuma folk songs are :

(1) They are not as strong in character as the Bunun or the Tsou, not as open-hearted as the Paiwan, neither as optimistic as the Ami; but they have the longlasting, peaceful, and naive quality, common to all other tribes.

(2) Some of the songs still retain primitive recitatives, but most has already become melodious.

(3) There is no head-hunting songs; they are basically a small, peaceful tribe.

(4) The tonal system is pentatonic, possibly belong to a same cultural origin with the Ami.

(5) Beside harvest festivals, they have witch ceremonies and adulthood ceremonies (the monkey festival).

(6) All of their songs are homophonic.

The Puyuma were the first to be influenced by China and have the hightest degree of culture of all tribes. Their melodies are rather more fluid than those of other tribes.

The scale is pentatonic and the range is wide, wish some pieces over an octave, (Ex. The Pyyjma 3, a song of thanks to a visitor for a gift.) The Puyuma have an exceptionally large number of incantation songs. (Ex. The Puyuma 7, an incantation song.)
