
【簡介】泰雅與賽夏族民歌 Folk Songs Of Tayal and Saiset Aborigines


■ 前言

2008 年上網標下第一唱片出版的『中國民俗音樂專輯第十九輯:泰雅與賽夏族民歌』(1984 年 1 月出版)黑膠唱片,將內頁文字轉載如下,與樂友分享。

■ 台灣山胞的民歌






A 單音唱法:a 朗誦式
      b 曲調式(或民歌式)
      c 對唱式
      d 領唱與眾唱應答式

B 複音唱法:a 歐卡那姆式
      b 卡農式
      c 頑固低音式
      d 自由對位式


C 合聲唱法:a 自然和弦式(或泛音式)
      b 協和和弦式
      c 自由和聲式
      d 異音式


A 勞動歌曲:a 戰爭
      b 打獵
      c 農耕
      d 捕魚
      e 其他

B 生活歌類:a 酒宴
      b 愛情
      c 遊戲
      d 人生觀
      e 其他

C 祭典歌類:a 祭祖
      b 祭人頭
      c 祭農物
      d 成年儀式
      e 其他

D 敘述歌類:a 傳說
      b 述祖先開基
      c 述現生活的進步
      d 回憶過去生活
      e 其他



■ 泰雅族的民歌

一作『泰雅爾』、『泰雅魯』,舊作『太么』,原意為『人』,約西元前第三個千年的先陶時代(pre-ceramic age)來台,是台灣原住民中最早來台定居之族群之一。泰雅族分佈甚廣,是僅次於阿美族的原住民第二大族群,分佈於中部至北部山地的泰雅族,他們所居住的地域幾乎佔有台灣的三分之一面積,而根據日據時代的統計人口達十三萬多,但近年(一九七○年台灣省政府民政廳山地科的統計)卻減少為六萬多的人口。





沙徹克族(或賽德克亞族)的民歌以五度四音(so-la-do-re)與四度三音(la-do-re)組織為最多,是否與他的口琴定音有關,值得考慮。四簧口琴的定音為 sol-la-do-re;三簧口琴的定音為 la-do-re。沙徹克族的民歌,雖然所採取的音組織的音不多,但比較泰雅族旋律與節奏都更富音樂性而固定。過去所保存的固定音型的卡農唱法,今天已逐漸失傳,這是很可惜的事。


■ 賽夏族的民歌

賽夏族約於西元前第三個千年之先陶時代(pre-ceramic age)來台,與泰雅族同為最早移入台灣的原住民族群,日人稱為獅設族,以鵝公髻山和橫屏背山脊線分成南北二群,居住於現在新竹縣與苗栗之山地交界,經常受西部漢族(客家系)與東部泰雅族壓迫與影響的小族群。人口約三千左右,是台灣原住民人數較少的族群之一,性情溫和,以農耕為生活。







■ Folk Songs Of Taiwan Aborigines

The aborigines of Taiwan belong to the Austronesian group, geographially located on the north-eastern tip of this culturearea.

Because of its isolation from the main group and from the outside world in general, the aborigines in Taiwan still maintain comparatively unadulterated, original, archaic culture of this group.

The music of Taiwan aborigines is unique. When other tribes of this group in South-east Asia developed, beside vocal folk songs, a series of percussion instruments music and a wide range of dance music, Taiwan aborigines devoted themselves almost exclusively to vocal music - the kind of vocal music most rich and complicated both in its styles and its contents. Its styles range from the most primitive from to that of the most complicated modern vocal music. Their contents run the whole gamut from the old worship and magic songs, through working and recreational songs, to every occasions in the life.

Taiwan aborigines songs can be divided into the following groups according to their styles of singing. (Based on Prof. T. Kurozawa's classification)

I. Homophonic singing
 a) recitative
 b) melodic
 c) dialogistic
 d) responsorial (leads and responses)

II. Polyphonic singing
 a) organum style
 b) cannon style
 c) drone-bass style
 d) free contrapuntal

III. Harmonic singing
 a) natural chord style
 b) consonance style
 c) free-chorus style
 d) heterophonic style

Dr. P. C. Lu classified these songs according to their contents as the following.

 a) Working songs : war, hunting, farming, fishing, etc.
 b) Songs of daily life : welcome, farewell, marriage, love, playing, banquet, funeral, yearning, praying, etc.
 c) Songs of ceremony and worship : for ancestors, head-huntings, harvests, festivals, etc.
 d) Narrative songs : ancestral stories, legends, etc.

Among the folk music of various cultures of archaic strata throughout the world, the music of Taiwan aborigines is doubtlessly the most advanced and diversified, forming a marvellous treasury. It is immensely regretted that this national treasures of aborigines folk music are gradually fading away under the errosion and blows of our contemporary civilization of the past decades.

We have collected during past 20 years a good part of this treasury, and are going to publish them systematically, so that we can pass this heritage to the coming generations, and fullfill our responsability in the history of music and ethno-musicology.

■ Tayal Songs

Tayal, a tribe of aborigines, are distributed in the middle to the northern part of Taiwan Island, almost as wide as 1/3 in the area, with 130,000 or more population. However, from the linguistic difference, we may attribute the tribe into two linages, Tayal desent, and Sazeks, and the former mostly reside in the nothern part of the Island, and the latter in the middle part. The songs of Tayal Descent are found thick in the premitive taste both in melody and rhythm, Their melody has characteristic tone system, for instance, Re-Fa, Re-Fa-Sol, Re-Mi-Sol-La, or pentatonic scale, and in the rhythm, it is akin to recitation without extinct one. The tribe are found of a instrument, Jews Harp, which has single, double, triple, and even four leads. Sazeks's tone system and instruments are resembled to the former's, however, the melody and rhysm are rather full of musical characters, and stable. In the past, cannon singing was prevailed, but it has been declined in the younger generation.

■ Saiset's Songs

Saisets Tribe are distributed in the mountain boundary between Hsinchu and Miaoli Prefectures of Taiwan, about 3,000 only in the population, and so affected from Tayals and Hakka a tribe of Cantonese from China, to their living. Their songs can be devided into the categories for ceremony, laboring and living. The typical ceremony song is known as Song of Pygmi ; the songs of labor are always related to their tillage, and the songs for their living are mostly of love or farewell ones. Their typical tone system is Do-Fa-Sol-Do, and pentatonic scale. In the past, organum singing was taken importance, but is declined now to the younger generation. The tribe has characteristics in the text construction, and a capping verses is traditional one, such as

